If you want to find God, hang out in the space between your thoughts.

– Alan Cohen

For most, throughout our waking day we are bombarded with signals, information, traffic, TV, radio, computers, phones, negative influences, and other pollutants of the mind which has our focus pointed in an outward direction. All of our knowledge, insight, data gathering, formed opinions, and determinations are being gathered from sources that are “out there”, while very few seek inward for the same.

The pressures of modern day have blocked many people’s energy centers which lead us to mental disorders, physical pain and disease resulting in a lack of proper sleep, confusion, anxiety, and other emotional disorders. This leads many to use prescription drugs, alcohol, and narcotics as we desire an escape from reality. Our decision making is no longer sound. Our egos have taken the wheel and we’ve lost balance of our inner masculine and feminine aspects. In this confusion many turn to fear. Fear is clever and disguises itself in many forms such as anger, greed, jealousy, selfishness, and so on. Fear is debilitating and has great potential to block lower energy centers which will stop the flow of prana to the heart. Once started, this cycle is incredibly difficult to break free from.

What if there was a simple cure for all of this? What if that cure were free, you could do it in the comfort of your own home, and there were no prescriptions or memberships required? Meditation is a healing process by which the layers of mental dross are shed like the layers of an onion. As the dross peels away, segments of the Brain which dedicated space to hold these unwanted lower vibrational negative distortions are freed up to allow a clearer view of the landscape and sharper cognition.

The ego is brought back into check. You are no longer reactionary. Slowly, you are able to set free areas of your life that have been buried in misconception and confusion. The new you that emerges from daily meditation brings with it the opening of blocked energy centers, thus restoring a healthy, pain free body and sharper mind. This new stress-free, non-reactionary energy you now transmit is absorbed by those near and dear to you and now they become more content.

Through meditation you make contact with the infinity of understanding which lies within the consciousness of the Creator. This communication doesn’t come in words. It comes to you in the silence and stillness of the mind. For those that take meditation seriously, comes the emergence of what’s known as the “still small voice”. 

This is your higher self communicating to you and I can’t begin to tell you the joy this brings. It’s at this point where your life is forever changed.

For even fewer comes contact where actual conversation with different entities takes place; this is your personal guidance system. This is a process however, and results come only through patience, perseverance, and serious dedicated daily meditation and those that live what they learn. Results may come slow for some and quickly for others. Again, patience is key.

Benefits of meditation

Meditation is the path to the Creator (god) within. This is the means by which everyone has the ability to access the love, the light, and the unity of the Creator and to then share that love, light, and unity with others, including the self. Through meditation one is able to access intelligent infinity. If you are not engaged in the daily silence of meditation, you are overlooking an extremely valuable resource which you can accelerate your own spiritual journey. It will aid you to a great extent with respect to self-improvement and overall quality of life, both on the physical and metaphysical level. It has a profound effect on the mind-body-spirit complex.

Proper meditation

Regardless of the countless methods, there is no proper way to meditate and this is what’s conveyed by ascended masters. Experiment, and simply do what feels right for you. I’ve done some of my best meditation sitting in a comfortable arm chair. You can meditate on a walk through the woods, while you wash the dishes, through prayer, intention-setting, or in your living room in your favorite chair.

There are however a few suggestions that will help you to a great extent. Depending on your goal, one of the most effective methods is to still the mind. You literally sit in complete mental silence and this is where the magic happens. The hamster jumps off the wheel. People meditate with eyes open, closed, or an interval of both. The spine should be somewhat straight and vertical is preferred. Horizontal is not preferred because one is more likely to fall asleep and once asleep, the process of meditation ends. One does not have to assume the lotus position to meditate. A comfortable chair works well as long as you’re not slouched and the back is properly supported as to comfortably maintain an upright position. Surrounding yourself in a sylvan atmosphere is best, but if indoors, remove yourself from distractions to a place of working used for no other purpose is preferred but again, even this isn’t necessary.

There are 2 times in the day that are ideal for meditating and that is at dusk and dawn. These two times of the day provide the perfect atmosphere where Earth’s energies are more in an alignment. You’ll find that if you meditate at noon for instance you’ll have a much more difficult time getting that pesky hamster off the wheel. Some call it monkey mind. However, some purposely meditate at noon as a challenge to hone their skills at keeping the mind still during more opportune times.

Gautama Buddha – If you let cloudy water settle, it will become clear. If you let your upset mind settle, your course will also become clear.

Gautama Buddha – There is no meditation without wisdom, and there is no wisdom without meditation. When a man has both meditation and wisdom, he is indeed close to nirvana.

Questions regarding meditation from the Law Of One

Q: I was really trying to get at whether it would be of great importance to construct a better place for our meditations. We have distractions here of the types which I mentioned, and I know that it is our total free will as to whether we construct this or not, but I was just trying to get at the principles. For instance, the Faraday cage would be quite a big construction and I was wondering if it would be of any real value?

A: I am Ra. Without infringing upon free will we feel it possible to state that the Faraday cage and the isolation tank are gadgets. The surrounding of self in a sylvan atmosphere, apart from distractions, in a place of working used for no other purpose, in which you and your associates agree to lay aside all goals but that of the meditative seeking of the Infinite Creator is, shall we say, not gadgetry but the making use of the creation of the Father in second density love, and in the love and support of other-selves. Are there any brief queries before this working is at an end?

Q: Is it better, or shall I say, does it produce more usable results in to leave the mind, shall I say, as blank as possible; let it run down, so to speak, or is it better to focus in  on some object or some thing for concentration?

A: I am Ra. Each of the two types of meditation is useful for a particular reason. The passive meditation involving the clearing of the mind, the emptying of the mental jumble which is characteristic of mind complex activity among your peoples, is efficacious for those whose goal is to achieve an inner silence as a base from which to listen to the Creator. This is a useful and helpful tool and is by far the most generally useful type of meditation as opposed to contemplation or prayer.  The type of meditation which may be called visualization has as its goal not that which is contained in the meditation itself. Visualization is the tool of the adept. Those who learn to hold visual images in mind are developing an inner concentrative power that can transcend boredom and discomfort. When this ability has become crystallized in an adept the adept may then do polarizing in consciousness without external action, which can affect the planetary consciousness. This is the reason for existence of the so-called White Magician. Only those wishing to pursue the conscious raising of planetary vibration will find visualization to be a particularly satisfying type of meditation. Contemplation or the consideration in a meditative state of an inspiring image or text is extremely useful also among your peoples, and the faculty of will called praying is also of a potentially helpful nature. Whether it is indeed an helpful activity depends quite totally upon the intentions and objects of the one who prays.

Q: Then is it correct that a good sequence for developing the invocation of the magical personality are alternate meditations, first on power, then a meditation on love, and then a meditation on wisdom and to continue cycling that way? Is that an appropriate technique?

A: I am Ra. This is indeed an appropriate technique. In this particular group there is an additional aid in that each entity manifests one of these qualities in a manner which approaches the archetype. Thusly visualization may be personalized and much love and support within the group generated.