"The trouble is
that you think you have time"
The return to a fully functional energy body where your chakras are wide open
Inner work is a return to a fully functioning wide open energy body with all of the chakras allowing the full flow of energy through into the heart and upward through the physical and metaphysical, and out the top of the crown.
It is, on a metaphysical level, to work with your emotions and thoughts. This is a process whereby each and every day there will be times where one experiences triggered moments of distortion. Where one is removed from center and has emotions that lack love, empathy, and compassion.
What is distortion? Everyone has basic biases and belief systems. These stored thought forms create ways of perceiving incoming information in a skewed, or distorted manner.
I broke a mirror and I’m now going to experience seven years of bad luck. This statement is part of a belief system that has heavy distortion. Some distortions are minor, some are large, and some are so exaggerated that it is difficult to recognize where the truth is, within that emotion.
Inner work is designed to lessen distortions within your energy body and restore the open and full flow of the Creator’s love and light. Over time, you form biases based on incorrect information given to you by parents, teachers and other authority figures. You create biases within yourself by the pain you experience when you are unable to defend yourself from that pain.
When it becomes too overpowering, you create pockets of pain deep within yourself and you bury and smooth them over with good times. By the time you reach adulthood, you have a set of biases within yourself which create a colored and distorted view of reality. We all carry with us a certain degree of distortion. While very thick in third density, distortions exist in each succeeding density where they become less and less prevalent. Prime creator has no distortion.
For some, belief systems that contain heavy distortion are latched onto tightly with both hands to the extent where they no longer entertain other definitions or opinions. These distorted belief systems actually carry a low vibration frequency which creates a blockage, or a throttle in the natural flow of intelligent energy (prana, chi, etc.) through our chakra system.
If one’s own negative thought forms are strong enough and persistent, they can block one’s own energy system. At best it’s become muddied in color, and slows the free flow of energy.
Always remember that you are absolute perfection and to think anything less is a negative distorted thought form.
False, negative, distorted “truths” end up as blockages in the free flow of energy through our body and inner work is the process or mechanism by which one peals away these layers of distortion like an onion, thus allowing ones energy blockages to reopen.
One of the most efficient means of pealing away these layers is through daily meditation. Meditation is very misunderstood by so many. I also use to think that those who meditated were just eccentric people that lived in far-off lands. I cannot stress to you enough, that meditation is your key to ever-lasting health and joy. Everlasting, because what you apply here in this Earth school you take with you.
One cannot take with them the material objects such as a Rolex watch or a BMW. The skills you master in this here-and-now moment will become part of you and will assist you for all of eternity.
Past life experiences
There’s also the emotional trauma that one may bring with them into this incarnation from past life experiences. Once the energy body has been cleared in this reality, it’s a good idea for one to look into one’s own past. Emotional trauma from past life experiences can effect our current day cognition, and mental clarity. But how can this be done? How do I even know if lack of mental clarity is from this life or past lives? How can I go into my past when I can’t remember what I said 20 minutes ago?
When one commits themselves with the wholeness of the heart to self-improvement to align one’s own energy body to the point where energy is free-flowing, they will, at some point in this process, come to know their higher self. They are patiently and lovingly waiting for you and it is there that you will find the clarity and the help you desire.
In addition to daily meditation, one must become cognizant of their own thoughts and feelings, their own deeds and actions, with both the self and other selves as one goes about their daily round of activities. This process takes a great deal of practice, and great patience to master.
One’s own attitude is key. You may get your shoe laces tied together and stumble, but you fix your shoe laces, get back up, dust yourself off, and chalk each experience up as a new lesson learned, without blame, without bias. A better mindset would be to say “how can I better approach this issue next time”. When a lesson is not learned, you can be rest-assured that that lesson will find you again and again until you master it. You’re in school remember.
The more one attempts to become aware of their own thoughts, words, and deeds, the more one becomes dialed in and eventually the process goes into an auto pilot where you no longer seem to have control; it just happens. That is, automatically you are made acutely aware of any wrong deed you just made seconds after you did it. Once one begins to master this process, one catches themselves before they do it. Finally, when one masters this process, these negative thoughts, words, and deeds are removed from ones thought process altogether.
Additional Gnosis
Our energy bodies are constantly in flux as we go about our lives and so our energy centers may be open one moment and closed the next. They may be partially blocked or muddy. It behooves every seeker to take a certain part of each day where one withdraws as best one can withdraw and turn their focus to inner work.
During the first few moments of meditation, you can relive that moment in the office where you were completely thrown off center in a confrontation and you lost emotional control.
It is recommended to re-run this scene in your mind for just a moment or two and dramatically amplify the experience to where you see yourself perhaps shouting and throwing things. Then, re-run the scene once again where you acted the way you know you should’ve. Calm & rational. Perhaps you vision yourself avoiding the confrontation altogether by smiling and walking away.
If done daily, this process will help you to become more aware in your daily life where you’ll be more apt to catch yourself before getting thrown off center. Eventually, you will become that rational and practical person you wish to be.
Blockages which can form in our energy centers are often triggered or made known to us by outer circumstances. This doesn’t mean however, that these blockages originate in those outer circumstances. It’s often the case that these are already present within the energy body and are merely being triggered and made known by an occasional external catalyst which allows one to see what’s already present within.
Forgiveness is arguably one of thee, most powerful weapons for the seeker who has chosen the path of the straight and narrow. Forgiveness is the eradicator of karma. That’s right; the wheel of karma is completely stopped through the simple act of forgiveness.
Because we are one, a full forgiveness is impossible without including the self. For instance, lets say one has the heart chakra partially blocked due to past physical abuse from another self.
By focusing on this circumstance in a meditative state and stepping into the divine power of forgiveness that manifests from the whole of the heart, forgiving both the other self and the self, one can rather quickly and effectively clear their heart blockage and stop the wheel of karma. That negative energetic connection that was, becomes no more. Forgiveness is a superpower!
Once one feels in their heart that this process of forgiveness has been complete, it’s important that when the memory of this instance comes back, it should be understood with certainty that this instance has already been properly forgiven and move on.
Now, if the instance comes back repeatedly and creates a heavy heart, you’ll know there is still work to be done with forgiveness. If asking this person for forgiveness in person isn’t a good idea, or if they have passed on, try writing them a letter and pour all of your feelings into it.
If they have passed on and in spirit form, they will be fully aware of your message. Spend more time focusing on this in a meditative state. Ask your guides or higher self for assistance. If you are not in active two-way communication with them, they still hear your call. Additionally, you might seek the help of a hypnotherapist, specifically one who’s expertise is in the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) line of hypnotherapy.
Matthew 6:14-15 – For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Power of Intent
You either have the power of intent working for you, or against you. Everything is energy, therefore your thoughts carry to wherever you direct them as energy.
If you look in the mirror and say, “I think I’m gaining weight”, you just sent a program to your mind & body that allows for weight to be gained. Each word and each thought you create becomes energy that has the power to create change in your consciousness and in the world around you.
The possibilities created in your mind become the possibilities within your world. From the tiniest thing you say to yourself to the largest, each word and each thought is an energy that has the power to create change in your consciousness and in the world around you.
The power of intent is Very real and it has a direct effect on you, both physically and emotionally. As humanity pushes forward into fourth density, our power of thought-to-reality will become increasingly stronger. Our power of thought-to-creation, or manifestation, is now stronger than it was 20 years ago and this power will continue to steadily increase. Learn more about the power of intent.
Becoming Conscious
How often do you have thoughts of self-image or others that are less then loving? The importance of becoming conscious of your every thought cannot be overemphasized, and I can assure you this can be done with a little daily practice. Every time you catch yourself saying something negative, stop and reword it. This time, infuse it with love, compassion, and sympathy.
What are your aspirations? What are your hopes and dreams? It is to your great benefit to include love in these thoughts and become increasingly conscious of peppering them with negative aspects such as doubt, shame, fear, and so on. Stand in your own divine power and turn self-doubt into confidence. Be careful not to blend your thoughts with negativity that’s been offered to you by others. Become conscious about being sovereign with your thoughts. Your thoughts are yet another birth right human superpower, use them wisely.
Daily intentions or affirmations as some call them are very beneficial. You may wish to begin each day by going through a list of intentions and they will soon become your reality. I intend to love and be loved. I intend that my life become effortless. I intend that everything I do is safe, with joy, and in harmony. I intend that my life be filled with abundance so that I can share with others. Set a conscious intent to bring that which the heart desires into your reality.
The Observer
Each day as we set out on our daily round of activities we are continuously offered catalyst which at times forces us to react in a certain way, often times with unfavorable results.
For the vast majority of those who have begun their journey in the awareness, their only option then is to wait until the end of each day when one settles down and turns to the meditative state that one can review the days catalyst where they were pulled off center. However, if one is in a state where they can apply an additional technique during the time of catalyst, one then has the unique opportunity to switch roles so to speak and become what’s known as the observer.
In this scenario, you become a third party whereby you now have a unique three hundred and sixty degree panoramic view of whats happening around you. As catalyst greets you, from the perspective of the observer, you are no longer in reactionary mode. You can now see your own reaction and view it from a loving perspective that’s free of negative emotion.
It removes the tension of judgment and allows time in which the observer may simply watch thoughts and reactions come and go during any given moment.
Allow the observer within to become stronger without interfering with the spontaneous choices created by the catalyst at any particular moment. With practice, you can begin to watch yourself and those who are effected by you. You are now working from an internal aspect of both wisdom and analysis.
Earth, wind, and fire. Cycle of awareness
Plants and animals. Cycle of growth
You are here 🙂 Cycle of self-awareness. 75 thousand years long (3 cycles of 25 thousand years). We are at the very end of this 75 thousand year “great” cycle.
Density of love and understanding. Where we are headed. Cycle of love or understanding. 30 million years long
Density of wisdom. Cycle of light or wisdom. 52 million years long
Density of unity, or the balancing of love and wisdom. Cycle of light/love, love/light, or unity. 75 million years long
Density of completion and the turning toward timelessness and foreverness. You no longer have a physical body and you become one with the creator. The gateway cycle