"There is a voice that knows the answer
before you even ask the question"
Learn to distinguish the still small voice
What is a higher self?
Your higher self, also known as the magical personality, the fiduciary, or the guardian angel, is you in mid-sixth density. All points in time and space are connected, but for the purposes of simplicity, this higher self can be seen as you in the future, some 120 million years from now. It is said that your guidance is closer to you than your breathing and nearer to you than your heart.
Your higher self in mid-sixth density no longer seeks to fulfill desires, and is preparing to fully rejoin the creator as it graduates into the seventh density. As a gift from self to self, It turns one last time to what we would see as the past and assists you in your development wherever you are, in whatever density and incarnation you are experiencing, so that at any time you may call upon this highest and best self and ask how to evaluate things and whatever other advice is sought.
Guidance system
The higher self is joined by at least three angelic beings made up of male and female aspects. All three together are known as one’s guidance system. Some consider these to be actual angelic beings or gurus. Some people who are seeking to serve the light collect as many as a dozen angelic beings or more, all of whom wish to support and encourage that noble service the seeker has undertaken.
There is no such thing as being able, without any doubt whatsoever, to know that you are communicating with your guidance. There is a reason for this unknowing. Each entity within third density is given complete free will to choose those things which they desire. And that which they desire shall be given to them. Within free will, it is not advantageous with respect to spiritual growth where there’s some way to test and prove spiritual events or influences.
Now, because one cannot offer proof of spiritual events or influences to one’s self or another, I personally can tell you with absolute certainty that over time, by way of spiritual communication via dreams, synchronicities, inner physical dialog and telepathic communication, you begin to gain confidence in this source of intelligence, not because of objective proof but because of an increasing amount of synchronistic coincidence. I first began to communicate telepathically after experiencing kundalini, but kundalini is not the only means by which to establish this communication.
Psalm 32:8 – The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.“
How do I communicate with my higher self?
Among other things, we are here to learn, therefore the law of free will is very important and for this reason, like anything else, one must ask in prayer, or in meditation for your guidance system to contact you. Getting to learn the signals or process of communication can also involve a bit of trial and error. It is only those that take the journey of seeking seriously that will establish this connection.
Coming to know your higher self is like any other relationship. First and foremost, there has to be genuine intent. It has to be nurtured and attended to. It has to blossom through consistent communication. You most likely wont hear or even feel a response at first. But through dedication and faith, you will undoubtably establish your own unique line of communication. Give your higher self a name to make the relationship more meaningful. It’s not very effective to call on your higher self for advice in a pinch when you haven’t been in touch in a month.
Once established, many people just have an inner-knowing. A gut instinct that the responses they get to concerns, or direct questions, are in fact from their guidance, or higher self. Others may get an actual voice that speaks to them known to many as the still small voice. Meditation is the preferred method of gaining communication with your higher self. It is there in the stillness of the mind, one can receive the answers to the questions they seek. You may come to know the information you asked for with no understanding of how you came to this knowing. It’s also a good idea to begin a journal to aid the cultivation and alignment with your higher self.
Your guidance system dwells within your own protected aura. One way some people communicate with their guidance system is to sit with a laptop in a semi-meditative state and ask a question. Then just begin typing the answer. You may be amazed at what you find. This comes with a caveat; if the intellectual mind is allowed to work it’ll immediately start asking, “How do I know that this thought is not my own? How do I know whether or not this is from my guidance system?” and the system or technique will then fail. The trick is in the understanding that the intellectual mind has no place when communicating with one’s higher self or guidance system.
Just a few words on faith because faith has its role when dealing with the higher self. We’ve all heard of faith, and before my awakening it had little value to me. It’s turned out to be one of my greatest strengths that I lean into daily. Faith has no content, it’s more of a mindset or an attitude. It’s this knowing beyond doubt, regardless of the circumstances, that all is well and all will be well. And the one who is living a life in faith cannot be derailed by circumstance. Faith is an attitude which knows and understands that the Creator, the higher self, and choices that were made before incarnation would provide plenty of opportunities for learning and service to others which may bring with it some occasional pain and/or discomfort.
Sometimes through suffering comes great learning and movement in one’s journey where they were once stagnant. Sometimes there is sadness and pain. Yet one living a life in faith knows that that which is happening is perfect. “I know I’m right where I need to be at this very moment.” As such, one living in faith allows the free flow of energy and circumstance to direct their course, rather than trying to direct it themselves.