“Clearing chakras can lead to discomfort
that gives way to bliss”
Della Reside
Energy centers within the human body that help regulate all processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions.
As one removes the blockages through the energy centers or chakras that prohibit the free flow of intelligent energy, then progress in evolution of mind, body, spirit is greatly enhanced. When one, through discipline, or through the gift of spirit achieves a body free of chakra blockages, one is free of ill health and sickness and one is properly tuned to do work effectively in the higher energy centers and one may enter the gateway to intelligent infinity. This can be seen as a completed circuit.
Furthermore, energy centers that are blocked will make themselves known to us by manifesting as pain, illness, disease in both the body and mind. If you have a pain in your abdomen for instance, this could be a blocked energy center trying to alert you.
Classic symptoms of blocked chakras
- Chronic physical pain
- Mental illness, depression, anxiety, confusion
- Disease, cancer
- Organ disfunction, failure
- Personality disorders & eccentricities
- Lack of compassion
- Anger, egotistical
- Difficulty concentrating
- Poor or overactive sex drive
- Social issues
Imagine the energetic body as a pipe with 7 energy centers. As intelligent energy flows upward through the bottoms of the feet, to the base of the spine, if the red or root chakra is blocked this will prevent energy from moving upward beyond that point, thus blocking every energy center above it. This is the fundamental mechanics of how prana works with the energy body. If prana meets a blocked chakra, it cannot continue upward beyond that point to the other chakras. If a chakra is partially blocked or muddied in color, it will close off a portion of the free flow of prana.
If there are no blockages in any chakra, energy will pass completely through the pipe and continue upward through the top of your head in a fountain of colored light, tinged by each of your energy centers. If one was able to see this fountain exit the top of the head, it would appear as a circular spray of radiated light that moves in all directions as it acts more like water than light and falls down to mix with the energy of the earth and go back up through the feet again, creating a torus with you in the center.
Violet Ray
Crown Chakra
Sanskrit name:
Defined by:
1000 petal lotus
Top of the head
Flow of energy:
Moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the spiritual auric body
Pineal gland, skull and brain
Associated with:
Grace, beauty, serenity, oneness with all, our divinity, selflessness, understanding and enlightenment
Personal growth areas:
Mental health; knowledge and spiritual enlightenment
Indigo Ray
Third Eye Chakra
Sanskrit name:
Defined by:
2 petal lotus
Between the eyebrows
Flow of energy:
Moves in a counterclockwise direction and connects to the higher mental auric body
Pituitary glands, eyes, nose, sinuses, head, and face
Associated with:
Wisdom, detachment, discernment, inspiration, knowledge and trust in a higher source
Personal growth areas:
Intuition, imagination
Blue Ray
Throat Chakra
Sanskrit name:
Defined by:
Sixteen petal lotus
Throat area
Flow of energy:
Moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the lower mental auric body
Thyroid, throat, mouth, teeth, jaw, neck, ears, arms, bronchial tubes/upper lungs, shoulders, and tongue
Associated with:
Communication, willpower, truthfulness, setting boundaries, expression
Personal growth areas:
Effective communication
Green Ray
Heart Chakra
Sanskrit name:
Defined by:
12 petal lotus
Middle of the chest
Flow of energy:
Moves in a counterclockwise direction and connects to the astral auric body or the emotional aura
Thymus, heart, lungs, circulation, hands, shoulders, breasts, and upper back
Associated with:
Love, generosity, compassion, and forgiveness
Personal growth areas:
Giving and receiving unconditional love
Yellow Ray
Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit name:
Defined by:
Ten petal lotus
Solar plexus
Flow of energy:
Moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the vital auric body
Pancreas, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, small intestines, abdomen, sternum, and back
Associated with:
Inner peace, personal power, self-confidence, self-worth, self-acceptance, and trusting and accepting our gut feelings
Personal growth areas:
Self-esteem, relating to the world around us
Each entity must, in order to completely unblock yellow ray, love all which are in relationship to it, with hope only of the other selves’ joy, peace, and comfort. – Ra
Orange Ray
Sacral Chakra
Sanskrit name:
Defined by:
Six petal lotus
6 cm (2.4 in) below the naval
Flow of energy:
Moves in a counterclockwise direction and connects to the etheric auric body
Ovaries or testes, kidneys, bladder, prostate, pelvis, body fluids, adrenal glands, large intestines, and lower back/sacrum
Associated with:
Sexuality, sensuality, mentoring and honoring and nourishing ourselves
Personal growth areas:
Change, creativity
Red Ray
Base Chakra
Sanskrit name:
Defined by:
Four petal lotus
Near the sacral-coccyx joint at the base of the spine
Flow of energy:
Moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the physical auric body
Lower back/coccyx, adrenal glands, blood, skeleton, feet, knees, hips, teeth, nails, rectum, and spine
Associated with:
Physical stability, security, self-sufficiency and responsibility for self
Personal growth areas:
Connection to mother Earth; survival instincts