“The way is not the sky;
the way is the heart”
In brief
I was never religious nor spiritual. In fact, I took pride in labeling myself an atheist. I was hopelessly lost in the mire of this illusion, unable to find that candle in the darkness. When you suddenly awaken to someone calling out your name in the middle of the night and no one else is in the house, it’ll grab your attention in a powerful way.
It was my time to awaken. Serious meditation gave way to dreams so vivid, I would spend moments afterwards trying to figure out if I was actually there, or in my bed the whole time. After a profound kundalini experience I would find myself telepathically communicating with my higher self and my spirit guides. I also began receiving daily messages through dreams and meditation.
The instances of metaphysical anomalies and transcending experiences since my awakening continue. One thing has become as clear to me as the noon day sun; I have, and continue to experience, an emerging reality we are all shifting into. We are all coded to awaken at different times. For if we were all to awaken in a single moment, the world would be thrown into utter chaos.
Be it as it may, the metaphysical/spiritual connection is designed so that one cannot prove to others that what they experience is actually happening beyond shadow of a doubt. This law if you will is by design, and for good reason.
In part, we are all here to learn, and that learning process would end abruptly if anything of a metaphysical sense were provable. On the journey of seeking, one must then be forced to leap into mid-air and by faith alone, trust that what they are experiencing is part of a larger reality.
This ascension process of expanding one’s consciousness and setting foot on that long dusty road of seeking has been referred to as the straight and narrow, the hero’s journey, and the monomyth.
We all chose to come here, but only a few doughty seekers take that road less traveled. Where one not only becomes enlightened, but lives the exalted life that’s gleaned. Additionally, Earth is a schoolhouse and this graduating class is in session. There’s only one course; love. What grade will you get?
It’s easy to veer off of this path for it is ever so narrow, but thy rod and thy staff will indeed comfort you. This illusion can be mighty powerful at times. But if you avail yourself through meditation, prayer, love, and faith, it is there that you will find safety and protection from every possible evil. It is there that you will learn you are not alone on this journey. It is there that you will find comfort, strength, renewal and complete transformation.
Louis Eisenman
The love you withhold, is the pain you carry.